Original Trustee & Members Page
This is the original page we got from e4 for trustee and member information - holding onto it in case we need it in the future.
Iain Littlejohn
Iain lives in Abingdon with his wife and three children, and runs his own management consultancy business, specialising in organisation design and change management. He has been a governor at Larkmead for seven years, and has held the position of chair of its local governing body. Two of Ian’s children are students at the school.
Iain is also currently a director of HESA (Higher Education Statistical Agency) and Oxfordshire Science Festival, and has previously served as a town councillor and as a trustee of Christ’s Hospital of Abingdon.
Attendance at Full Board meetings 2020/21: 9 of 9
Term of Office : 22/02/2021 – 21/02/2025
Membership Type: Appointed by Member